Tune in for the ESAIC Podcast series on anaesthesia & intensive care as we talk about various knowledge-building topics covering Anaesthesia, Intensive Care, Pain, Emergency and Perioperative Medicine, Patient Safety, and more. The European Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care (ESAIC) is the leading society for education, research, and science. Take your career to the next level and help improve patient care everywhere by participating in our Education Tuesday series and beyond. You can also visit us at www.esaic.org.

Latest Episodes

Industry Corner: Silent Seizures - The Role of EEG in ICU

Which are the potential applications of EEG in the Intensive Care Unit? What makes EEG valuable in a clinical setting? What information the EGG can give us, from a cli...

How electronic health records (EHRs) and digitalisation improve outcomes

Prof. Wolfgang Buhre engages in an exciting discussion with Dr. Warren Sandberg on the growing appeal of electronic health records in anaesthesiology and perioperative...

Industry Corner: Advancing hemodynamics management - exploring the potential of non-invasive cardiac output monitoring

Advanced haemodynamic monitoring is much more than only a blood pressure measurement. Its applications can actually help professionals control and measure cardiac outp...

Industry Corner: Sedation Standards for safer care

How we define procedural sedation and analgesia (PSA)? Which is the level of sedation we should provide to patient having procedural sedation? How we keep safety durin...

Industry Corner: Early Intervention with Advanced Predictive Technology for High-Risk Patients Exploring Innovative Solutions

In today’s healthcare landscape, managing and presenting major adverse events poses significant challenges for healthcare professionals all over the world. In this epi...

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